Come stop your crying
It will be all right
Just take my hand, hold it tight
I will protect you
From all around you
I will be here
Don't you cry
For one so small
You seem so strong
My arms will hold you,
Keep you safe and warm
This bond between us
Can't be broken
I will be here
Don't you cry
'Cause you'll be in my heart
Yes, you'll be in my heart
From this day on
Now and forever more
You'll be in my heart
No matter what they say
You'll be here in my heart, always
Why can't they understand
The way we feel
They just don't trust
what they can't explain
I know we're different but,
Deep inside us
We're not that different at all
And you'll be in my heart
Yes, you'll be in my heart
From this day on
Now and forever more
Don't listen to them
'Cause what do they know
We need each other,
To have, to hold
They'll see in time
I know
When destiny calls you
You must be strong
'Cause I may not be with you
But you've got to hold on
They'll see in time
I know
We'll show them together cause
You'll be in my heart
Believe me, you'll be in my heart
I'll be there from this day on,
Now and forever more
Oh, you'll be in my heart
No matter what they say
I'll be with you here in my heart, always
I'll be with you.
I'll be there for you always
Always and always
Just look over your shoulder
Just look over your shoulder
Just look over your shoulder
I'll be there for you always
Bueno, no remarco nada de la cancion ni nada de eso porque creo que sino tendria que ponerle color, hacerlma mas grande, o lo que sea, a casi toda la cancion x). Jajaja tengo que admitir que esta cancion me gusta mucho xD, quisas te diste cuenta cual cancion es jaja, pero bue, me gusta xD. Turur ademas es linda y buena para dedicartela a vos :$ encima ahora estamos los 2 con esta foto porque es una de las pocas que tenemos y la mas linda (L) Encima tengo ganas de llamarte que te extraño mucho y estas asi como re dormida y nu te quiero despertar, encima que vivis durmiendo o siempre tenes sueño jum jaja. Y bueno, practicamente estamos juntos hace 1 año, el mejor año de toda mi vida gracias a vos (L), aunque no allamos separado y todo eso u__u, pero volvimos a estar juntos, y ojala no nos separemos mas (L No me alcanzan todas las letras de un gracias para agradecerte todo, gracias por ser asi como sos conmigo, gracias por hacerme feliz, gracias por lo que haces por mi, gracias por ser mi novia, gracias por estar conmigo, gracias por amarme, por todo, me haces el hombre mas feliz del mundo. Encima que ya no se de que manera decirte como te amo, vos podras pensar que te amo, o que te amo mucho, o alguna otra cosa, pero eso no llega a ser ni la mitad de un cuarto de lo que te amo (L), un te amo muchisimo me queda demaciado chiquito para decirtelo, mas chico que esas 5 letras y 1 espacio x), te amo, te amo con todo mi corazon, mucho mas de lo que te podes imaginar, muchisimo mas de lo poco que lo puedo expresar. Sos lo mas importante en mi vida, sos todo para mi. Quiero que sepas que estas casi 3 semanas me hiciste demaciado feliz (L) Ajjj lpm te quiero tener al lado u__u, te quiero abrazar y darte besos (L y morderte todos los cachetitos y el labio :3 (L). En fin, espero que te alla gustado x), esto hace como una semana que lo queria hacer pero siempre me olvidaba, terminaba haciendo cualquier otra cosa y cuando me volvia a acordar ya era re tarde u_u. Te amo con todo mi corazon cosita hermosa de mi vida.
Te amo muchisimo ♥
It will be all right
Just take my hand, hold it tight
I will protect you
From all around you
I will be here
Don't you cry
For one so small
You seem so strong
My arms will hold you,
Keep you safe and warm
This bond between us
Can't be broken
I will be here
Don't you cry
'Cause you'll be in my heart
Yes, you'll be in my heart
From this day on
Now and forever more
You'll be in my heart
No matter what they say
You'll be here in my heart, always
Why can't they understand
The way we feel
They just don't trust
what they can't explain
I know we're different but,
Deep inside us
We're not that different at all
And you'll be in my heart
Yes, you'll be in my heart
From this day on
Now and forever more
Don't listen to them
'Cause what do they know
We need each other,
To have, to hold
They'll see in time
I know
When destiny calls you
You must be strong
'Cause I may not be with you
But you've got to hold on
They'll see in time
I know
We'll show them together cause
You'll be in my heart
Believe me, you'll be in my heart
I'll be there from this day on,
Now and forever more
Oh, you'll be in my heart
No matter what they say
I'll be with you here in my heart, always
I'll be with you.
I'll be there for you always
Always and always
Just look over your shoulder
Just look over your shoulder
Just look over your shoulder
I'll be there for you always

Te amo muchisimo ♥
Hay que tiernoooooooooo *-* .
ResponderEliminarTe amo te amo te amo te amo te amo te amo muchísimo mi amor (L) y te extraño :(
Y la canción no me salio :( bubu .
Te amooooooooooo ♥